Σάββατο 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011

Etymology of physic, physician, physics, physical, physi-

The word physic (art of healing, medical science, natural science), comes from the Latin physica (study of nature), from the Greek physike [Gr: φυσική] (knowledge of nature), from physis (nature) [Gr: φύση]," from the verb phyo (to bring forth, produce) [Gr: φύω].
In modern Greek.
a) physi: nature [Gr: φύση]
b) physici: physics [Gr: φυσική]
c) physicos: natural, normal, unaffected [Gr: φυσικός]
d) physiologia: physiology [Gr: φυσιολογία]
e) and many other words that can easily be understood containing the root physi- like: physiotherapeftis (physiotherapist), physicomathematicos, physiognomia, physiognomistis, physiocraticos etc.

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Κυριακή 4 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011

Etymology of brilliant

Brilliant comes from the French brilliant (sparkling, shining) from the Italian brillare (sparkle, whirl), from the Latin berillare (to shine like a beryl), from berillus (beryl, precious stone), from the Latin beryllus, which is a transliteration of the Greek beryllos [beryl, precious stone; Gr: βήρυλλος].
In modern Greek:
a) beryllos (or better pronounced as viryllos): beryl [Gr: βήρυλλος]
b) beryllio: beryllium (Be) [Gr: βηρύλλιο]
c) brilanti (or brigianti): diampond, brilliant [Gr: μπριλάντι]
Fr: briller, brillantine, brillant; It: brillare; Grm: Brillant, Brille

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Etymology of myriad

The word myriad comes from the old French myriade, from the Latin myrias (gen. myriadis) "ten thousand," which id a transliteration of the Greek myrias (gen. myriados) [ten thousand; Gr: μυριάς].
In modern Greek:
a) myriada: myriad [Gr: μυριάδα]

Fr: myriade; It: miriade; Sp: miriada; Grm: Myriade

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