Δευτέρα 18 Οκτωβρίου 2010

Etymology of corner, horn, cerebrum

Origin of corner
The word corner comes from the Frenh corne (horn, corner), from the Latin cornu (projecting point, horn), which is telated to the Greek carnon (horn) and ceras (horn) .

From the same root:
English: cerebrum, cerebellum, cerebral, cornea, horn, horny
French: cor, corne, corner, cerf, cerveau
Italian: corno, cornare, cervo, cornamuzaGerman: Horn

In modern Greek:
a) ceras or cerato: horn [κέρας κέρατο]
b) corna: (car) horn, klaxon [κόρνα]; loan word.
c) ceratoidis: cornea [κερατοειδής]


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Other modern Greek words from the same root (in Greek): κάρα, κρανίο, κράσπεδο, κριός, κορυφή, κορύνα, κορυδαλλός, κόρυμβος κλ


Etymology of aegis

Origin of aegis
The word aegis (protection) derives from the Latin ægis, which is a transliteration of the Greek Aigis, the shield of Zeus, related to aix (gen. aigos) "goat," as the shield was of goatskin.

Under the aegis of someone: under the auspices of someone, under the sponsorship or protection of someone or some group.

In modern Greek:
a) aegida: aegis [αιγίδα] 


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Etymology of air

Origin of air.
The word air derives from the French air from the Latin aerem (nom. aer), which is merely a transliteration of the Gree aer (gen. aeros) "air" [αήρ].


From the same root:
air- (airbase, airborne, airconditioning, aircraft, air force, airline, airport etc);
aero- (aerobic, aerodrome, aerodynamics, aerology, aeroplane, aerosol, aerospace etc);
aerate, aeration, aerial, aerification, aerify, airing etc.

In modern Greek (Romeika):
a) aeras: air [αέρας]
b) aerodromio:
aerodrome, airport [αεροδρόμιο]
c) aeroplano: aeroplane [αεροπλάνο]
d) aerismos:
airing [αερισμός]
d) aeroscafos:
aircraft [αεροσκάφος]

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