Σάββατο 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2012

Etymology of plus, plural

The word plus comes from the Latin plus (more) is related to the Greek pleos [more, in greater number, more than; Gr.: πλέος].

From the same root: 
plural, pluri- pluralism, plurarity, pluralize, pluralist, pleo- (pleomorphic etc), poly-, plethora

In modern Greek

a) pleon: more [Gr: πλέον]

b) pleonasma: surplus, excess [Gr: πλεόνασμα]

c) pleonasmos: pleonasm [Gr: πλεονασμός ]

d) pleonektima: advantage [Gr: πλεονέκτημα]

e) plethos: a lot of, a large number of [Gr: πλήθος]

f) plethintikos: plural [Gr: πληθυντικός]

g) plethismos: population [Gr: πληθυσμός]

h) plethora: plethora, plenty [Gr: πληθώρα]

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Σάββατο 22 Δεκεμβρίου 2012

Etymology of tardy, retardation

The adj. tardy comes from the Latin tardus (slow, dull, stupid), which some relate it to the Greek vradys/vradus (slow; Gr: βραδύς; vradus/vardus/tardus].

Others relate it to the Latin taru-dos from the r. teru-, related to the Greek terys/terus [thin, weak, wιthout power; Gr: τέρυ]

From the same root: tardiness, tardily, retard, retardation, brady- (bradycardia, bradypnea, bradykinesia etc).

In modern Greek:
a) vradys (bradys): slow [Gr: βραδύς]

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Etymology of tarragon, estragon (Fr)

Tarragon (estragon) is a plant whose aromatic leaves are used for flavoring. The word comes from the Byzantine* Greek tarchon. from the Arabic tarhun, from the Greek drakontion (dragonwort), from the Greek drakon (dragon, snake).

French: estragon
Spanish: taragona
Italian: targone
Greek: estragon [Gr: εστραγκόν; loanword, reborrowing]

* The term Byzantine Empire is falsely used by some to describe the Roman Empire from the 4th to 15th century.

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