Κυριακή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2010

Etymology of cheer

Origin of cheer.
The word cheer (gladness, gaiety, something that gives joy, lightness of spirits or mood) comes from the Anglo-Norman chere (face) from the old French chiere from the Latin cara (face), which is merely a transliteration of the Greek cara (head; κάρα).

From the same root.
cheerful, cheerily, cheeriness, cheeriness, cheerio, cheerleader, cheerless, cheers, cheery

In modern Greek:
a) cara: head, a saint's head, skull [κάρα]
b) carivaria:
headache [καρηβαρία]
Η λέξη cheer (ευθυμία, κέφι, φαιδρότητα, επευφημία) προέρχεται από το Αγγλο-Νορμανδικό chere (πρόσωπο) από το παλαιό Γαλλικό chiere από το Λατινικό cara (πρόσωπο), το οποίο αποτελεί μεταγραφή του ελληνικού κάρα (κεφαλή).


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Tags within the post: etymology of cheer, etymology of cheerful, etymology of cheerily, etymology of cheeriness, etymology of cheeriness, etymology of cheerio, etymology of cheerleader, etymology of cheerless, etymology of cheers, etymology of cheery, origine, learn Greek online, learn easily Greek using cognates, learn Greek for free, etymology, etymologie, etymologia, origin of Latin words, etymology of English, loan words in English, origin of English, origin of English words, English words from Greek, Latin words from Greek, Greek language, ετυμολογία, ετυμολογία Λατινικών, ετυμολογία αγγλικών λέξεων, προέλευση αγγλικών λέξεων, προέλευση Λατινικών, ελληνικές λέξεις στα Αγγλικά, αντιδάνεια French words from Greek, English words from Greek, Spanish words from Greek, German words from Greek, Italian words from Greek, loanwords, origin of cheer, origin of cheerful, origin of cheerily, origin of cheeriness, origin of cheeriness, origin of cheerio, origin of cheerleader, origin of cheerless, origin of cheers, origin of cheery.

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