Δευτέρα 24 Ιανουαρίου 2011

Etymology of camomile

Origin of the word camomile
The word camomile comes from the French camomille from the Latin chamoemelon, which is a transliteration of the Greek chamaimelon [camomile, lit. earth-apple; Gr.: χαμαίμηλον] from chamai (on the ground; Gr: χαμαί) + melon (apple; Gr: μήλον). So called because of the apple-like scent of the plant.

In modern Greek:
a) hamοmili: camomile [Gr: χαμομήλι]
b) hamo: on the ground [Gr: χάμω]
c) milo: apple [Gr: μήλο]

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