Σάββατο 1 Οκτωβρίου 2011

Etymology of sketch

The word sketch (rough drawing intended to serve as the bases for a finished picture), comes from the Italian schizzo (sketch, drawing), from the Latin schedium (an extemporaneous poem), from the Greek schedios (temporary, extemporaneous) [Gr: σχέδιος].

In modern Greek:
a) schedio: drawing, sketch, design [Gr: σχέδιο]
b) schediastis:
draughtsman, designer, sketcher [Gr: σχεδιαστής]
c) schediasi:
drawing, sketching, planning designing [Gr: σχεδίαση]
d) schediazo:
v sketch, draw, plan, lay out, design [Gr: σχεδιάζω]

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Η λέξη sketch (σκετς) προέρχεται από το Ιταλικό schizzo από το Λατινικό schedium (σχέδιο, αυτοσχέδιο ποίημα) από το ελληνικό σχέδιος.

Etymology of calm

The word calm (tranquility, quiet, peace) comes from the old French calme, from the Italian calma, from the Latin cauma (heat of the mid-day sun), which is a transliteration of the Greek kauma [Gr: καύμα] from the verb kaio (pronounced as keo), to burn [Gr: καίω]. Spelling influenced by L. calere "to be hot".
In modern Greek:
a) kauma (pronounced as kavma): heat of the mid-day sun [Gr: καύμα]
b) keo: to burn [Gr: καίω]
c) encaustiki: encaustic [Gr: εγκαυστική]
d) encauma: n burn, scald [Gr: έγκαυμα]

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Etymology of beret

Beret (cap; earlier, berret) is from the diminutive form birretum of the Latin birrus (large hooded cloak). It is either of Gaulish origin or it is related to the red colour [burrus: red] of the wool of which it was made. Burrus is related to the Greek word pyrros [Gr: πυρρός] meaning red, the colour of the fire, from pyr [Gr: πύρ], fire.

In modern Greek.

a) pyr: n. fire [Gr: πυρ]

b) pyrosvestis: fireman, fire fighter [Gr: πυροσβέστης]

c) pyrotechnima: firework, pyrotechnics [Gr: πυροτέχνημα]

d) pyrotechnurgos: pyrotechnist [Gr: πυροτεχνουργός]

e) pyromanis: pyromaniac [Gr: πυρομανής]

f) pyrolysi: pyrolysis [Gr: πυρόλυση]

g) pyrovolo: to shoot, fire, gun [Gr: πυροβολώ]

h) pyrkayia: n. fire, conflagration [Gr: πυρκαγιά]

i) beres: beret [Gr: μπερές]; loanworn

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