Etymology of toll
The word toll (tax, fee) derives from the late Latin tolonium from the Latin telonium (tollhouse), which is a transliteration of the Greek telonion (tollhouse; τελωνείον), from telos (tax, fee, end, aim; τέλος).
From the same root:
tollage, toll- (-house, -booth, -gate)
In modern Greek:
a) telos: toll (τέλος)
b) telonio: customs, custom-house (τελωνείο)
c) teloniakos: customs inspector (τελωνειακός, τελώνης)
Η λέξη toll (τέλος) προέρχεται από το Λατινικό tolonium από το το telonium (τελωνείο), το οποίο αποτελεί μεταγραφή του Ελληνικού τελωνείον από το τέλος.
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Tags within the post: Etymology of toll, ετυμολογία, τέλος, τελωνείο, etymology of Latin, etymology of English words, learn easily Greek using cognates, etymology of tollage, etymology of tollhouse, etymology of tolbooth, etymology of tollgate, etymologie, etymologia, origin of toll, ετυμολογία, origin of Latin, origin of English words, origin of tollage, origin of tollhouse, origin of tolbooth, origin of tollgate
The word toll (tax, fee) derives from the late Latin tolonium from the Latin telonium (tollhouse), which is a transliteration of the Greek telonion (tollhouse; τελωνείον), from telos (tax, fee, end, aim; τέλος).
From the same root:
tollage, toll- (-house, -booth, -gate)
In modern Greek:
a) telos: toll (τέλος)
b) telonio: customs, custom-house (τελωνείο)
c) teloniakos: customs inspector (τελωνειακός, τελώνης)
Η λέξη toll (τέλος) προέρχεται από το Λατινικό tolonium από το το telonium (τελωνείο), το οποίο αποτελεί μεταγραφή του Ελληνικού τελωνείον από το τέλος.
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Tags within the post: Etymology of toll, ετυμολογία, τέλος, τελωνείο, etymology of Latin, etymology of English words, learn easily Greek using cognates, etymology of tollage, etymology of tollhouse, etymology of tolbooth, etymology of tollgate, etymologie, etymologia, origin of toll, ετυμολογία, origin of Latin, origin of English words, origin of tollage, origin of tollhouse, origin of tolbooth, origin of tollgate
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