Τρίτη 12 Ιουνίου 2012

Etymology of exotic

The word exotic (belonging to another country), comes from the French exotique from the Latin exoticus, which is a transliteration of the Greek exotikos [foreign, from the outside; Gr: εξωτικός], from exo [outside; Gr: έξω].
From the same root: exoticism, exo- [exit, exodus, exogamous, exogenous, exophthalmic, exorcism, exoteric, exothermic, exterior etc].
In modern Greek:
a) exo: outside [Gr: έξω]
b) exodos: exit, exodus [Gr: έξοδος]
c) exoterico: exterior, abroad, outward appearance [Gr: εξωτερικό]
d) exoticos: exotic [Gr: εξωτικός]
e) exo- [exosi: eviction, ejection; exostis: balcony; exostrefia: extroversion; exosyzygicos: extramaterital; exoscholicos: adj out-of-school; exoterikefsi: exteriorization; exotico: fairy, elf; exofyllo: (book) cover; etc.]


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