Etymology of script, subscription, inscription, description and Scripture.
The noun SCRIPT (something written) comes from the Latin scriptum (a writing, a book, a mark) from the verb scribo (to write), which is related to the Greek verb σκαριφώ (σκραιφώ) (scarifo - screfo; make a scratch, trace or mark with a pencil, write).
The noun SCRIPT (something written) comes from the Latin scriptum (a writing, a book, a mark) from the verb scribo (to write), which is related to the Greek verb σκαριφώ (σκραιφώ) (scarifo - screfo; make a scratch, trace or mark with a pencil, write).
From the same root: subscribe, subscriber, subscription, inscription, description, Scripture.
In modern Greek:
α) σκαρίφημα: sketch, rough drawing [scarifima]
Το ουσιαστικό SCRIPT (κείμενο, γραφή) προέρχεται από το λατινικό scriptum (κείμενο, βιβλίο) από το ρήμα scribo (γράφω), το οποίο σχετίζεται με το ελληνικό ρήμα σκαριφώ (σκραιφώ).
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