Origin of marmelade
Marmelade comes from the French marmelade, from the Portuguese marmelada (quince jelly, marmalade), from marmelo (quince) by dissimilation from the Latin melimelum (sweet apple), which is a transliteration of the Greek melimelon (μελίμηλον), from meli (honey; μέλι ) and melon (apple; μήλο).
Marmelade comes from the French marmelade, from the Portuguese marmelada (quince jelly, marmalade), from marmelo (quince) by dissimilation from the Latin melimelum (sweet apple), which is a transliteration of the Greek melimelon (μελίμηλον), from meli (honey; μέλι ) and melon (apple; μήλο).
From the same root:
Italian: marmelatta
Spanish: marmelada
German: Marmelade
In modern Greek:
a) marmelada: marmelade [μαρμελάδα]
b) meli: honey [μέλι]
c) milo: apple [μήλο]
Η marmelade (μαρμελάδα) προέρχεται από το ελληνικό μελίμηλο
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