Σάββατο 29 Ιανουαρίου 2011

Etymology of cheap

Origin of the word cheap
The word cheap comes from the old English ceap (n.; traffic, bargain, a purchase) from the Germanic ceapian (v.; trade) from the Latin caupo (gen. cauponis; petty tradesman, huckster), which is related to the Greek capilos (synonym to caupo; vintner, huckster, petty tradesman; Gr: κάπηλος]

In modern Greek:
a) capilos: huckster, monger [Gr: κάπηλος]
b) capilio: wineshop, pothouse [Gr: καπηλειό]
c) capilia: exploitation, trading (on sth) [Gr: καπηλεία]


_____________________ Post 164. ______________________

Δευτέρα 24 Ιανουαρίου 2011

Etymology of camomile

Origin of the word camomile
The word camomile comes from the French camomille from the Latin chamoemelon, which is a transliteration of the Greek chamaimelon [camomile, lit. earth-apple; Gr.: χαμαίμηλον] from chamai (on the ground; Gr: χαμαί) + melon (apple; Gr: μήλον). So called because of the apple-like scent of the plant.

In modern Greek:
a) hamοmili: camomile [Gr: χαμομήλι]
b) hamo: on the ground [Gr: χάμω]
c) milo: apple [Gr: μήλο]

_______________________________ Post: 163. __________________

Etymology of wolf

Origin of the word wolf .
The word wolf is related to the Latιn lupus (wolf) and  the Greek lycos (wolf; Gr: λύκος).

In modern Greek:
a) lycos: wolf [Gr: λύκος]
b) lycophilia: a spurious/sham friendship [lit.: friendship between wolfs (lycos+philia); Gr.: λυκοφιλία]

______________________ Post 162. ______________________

Τρίτη 11 Ιανουαρίου 2011

Etymology of can

Can - word origin.
The word can (cup, vessel, container) comes from the old english canne (a cup, container) from the Germanic kanna, an early borrowing from late Latin canna (container, vessel), from the Latin canna (reed, reed pipe, small boat), which is related to the Greek canna (reed; Gr.: κάννα).

See also post 158 (Etymology of cane) here.


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